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Taylor jacob thomas

Meet Jacob T. Taylor, DMD, MD

Jacob T. Taylor, DMD, MD was born and raised in Boise, Idaho. He attended Washington State University in Pullman, WA where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Basic Medical Science and a minor in Music. From there, he attended Harvard School of Dental Medicine where he received several awards for clinical excellence. Dr. Taylor continued his professional education at the University of California, Los Angeles in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Throughout residency, Dr. Taylor received extensive training in the extraction of wisdom teeth, placement of dental implants, complex bone grafting procedures, treatment of benign pathology, and orthognathic surgery.

While at UCLA, Dr. Taylor received his Medical Degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine and completed a one-year internship in general surgery. He also had additional education in general anesthesia at Ronald Reagan Hospital for a wide variety of surgical procedures. In addition, Dr. Taylor completed rotations throughout residency within different medical and surgical specialties that have aided him in his ability to treat medically complex patients. Dr. Taylor’s goal with his treatment of patients has always been to make them feel comfortable during surgery and leave them in a better mood than when they came in.

Dr Taylor lives in San Diego with his wife, Kalie, who he met on the first day of dental school. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, fitness, reading, and traveling the world. Dr. Taylor also enjoys drumming, tennis and is learning to play golf.

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San Diego El Cajon